Two legends of Indian cinema got together to launch a social media forum 'Qyuki' which aims at promoting creativity in India. CISCO has lend technological support to the newly launched site. Simple yet intriguing feature of the site allows its users to upload any creative work of theirs be it music, concept, art etc. Once uploaded,work will invite comments suggestions of the fellow quick members. Isn't the idea of sharing what you think with the world interests you?
Qyuki platform has many eminent members like author Chetan Bhagat, Imtiaz Ali and so on.
"There is so much imagination potential at the bottom of the class pyramid in India. If India is to grow, we have to provoke it (the imagination), bring it out," Shekhar Kapur said.
Rahman said the platform could in time enable India to take the leadership in the future of art forms.
If your idea is proven worth Qyuki also provides you with the necessary tools to develop your idea.
Let us hope that the new creative forum taps the potential creativity hidden in millions of people but waiting for an opportunity to showcase it.
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